That Outcall Massage: Why Hong Kong Will Remain My Best Destination

Having heard great things about Hong Kong, I decided to take a vacation and visit the place. True to what I heard, the place was amazing. There was plenty to see and to do. However, as I now travel back home, I cannot help but reminisce the one event that climaxed my vacation. With all the activities I was taking part in, I often found myself feeling very tired by the end of the day. I got in touch with a company that offered outcall massage in Hong Kong and booked an appointment for my last night.

The doorbell rang and as I opened the door, a young lady walked in and identified herself as the massage therapist. I was left standing in awe as I looked at her slim body. She had a slender figural body, what most would call a figure ‘8’. She had long hair that fell to her back and a smile that would turn a frown upside down. In a gentle yet firm voice, she asked if I was ready to begin the session. She prepared the massage area, stripped down to a basic massage attire and asked me to do the same. At first, this seemed quite unusual. I had never participated in such a massage. She light all the candles and turned the lights off.

I quickly undressed and lied on the prepared table, face down. The lady walked up to me and I could not help but notice her curves. Her silhouette revealed her ample bosom and posterior. She claimed on top of me and started the Hong Kong massage modules. She spread the massage oils all over my body and laid on top of me. I could feel her warm skin next to mine. Her professional body movements and romantic environment aroused my spirituality. She took it a step further by engaging me in a conversation which seemed to break the ice and reduce tension. We immediately connected. Overwhelmed by relaxation, I felt recharged and rejuvenated at every body movement.

Once the session was over, she dressed up and packed her items ready to depart. I knew the session was over but I did not want it to end. Not only was the massage perfect, but her company was enjoyable. We could talk freely about anything and everything. It is quite unfortunate that I am leaving Hong Kong. I will surely miss her Hong Kong massage style.

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